Cooking class in Italy
Are you a disaster at the stove? Learn to cook, we have the right Cooking Class for you!
Have you ever think about cooking with an experienced local chef? In Italy, food culture is a serious thing. Every Italian region has its typical dishes, that are easy to be cooked only if you know the ancient secrets behind them.
Who can teach you these secrets better than a chef? A grandmother for sure!
Learn to cook as a grandmother! Because only a grandma knows the right secret to cook tagliatelle, tortellini and its dressing sauces in the right way, or better, as tradition says. With BrickScape you will meet a lot of grandmas happy to share with you theirs kitchen secretes. You can choose between a one-day cooking class or a real cooking course where, between “pots” and “pans”, you will learn to cook what you tasted in your Italian holiday!
This is the perfect occasion to learn thousand cooking secrets, improve your cooking abilities and discover tricks that will amaze your friends once you back home.
Would you like to discover how is made the tastefull pecorino cheese? Come with us in Tuscany, Umbria, Piedmont, Marche and Molise and taste and discover all the secretes of Pecorino Cheese, called also Grotta cheese, “Caciocavallo” and more. It will be an unforgettable taste experience!
What about pizza and gelato? Two Italian foods that all the world love! Would you like to know how to prepare them? BrickScape has the right experience for you! With us, you will learn professional cooking tricks from who make it every day, directly in their shop or restaurants. With BrickScape you will find “Pizzaioli” and “Gelatai” ready to welcome you in their craftsman’s workshop.
If you choose one of BrickScape cooking class, you will not only learn to cook as an Italian but also you will discover the Italian farmer lifestyle. Come with us in Toscany, Emilia Romagna, Sardinia, Piedimont, Friuli, Veneto, Abruzzo, Campania, Puglia, Umbria, Sicily, Marche, Molise and discover the 0km farms and theirs vineyards...
Enjoy your meal with BrickScape and Buon Appetito!